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parari 2024
Australian Explosive Ordnance Safety Symposium
Interoperability and Interchangeability
19-21 November 2024
National Convention Centre Canberra, Australia

Symposium Program

A comprehensive program over the three days of the symposium will include:

Wednesday 20th November, 2024

8:00am - 9:00am

Registration and Networking

9:00am - 9:40am

Keynote Address 5

Room: Royal Theatre

9:40am - 9:50am

Movement Break Into Sessions

9:50am - 10:20am

Session 3A – Regulation and Risk Management

Room: Royal Theatre


A semi-quantitative risk analysis approach for determining the level of risk involved in the storage of munitions and explosives

Dr Ali Ameri, Directorate of Ordnance Safety, Defence

Session 3B – Manufacturing

Room: Bradman Theatre


Australian resonant acoustic mixing at industrial scale industrialisation and EMQ of RAM-mixed PBXN-109 fill for BLU-126 (AUS) / B

Ms Dana Maynard, Thales

Session 3C – Risk Modelling

Room: Menzies Theatre


Characterisation of terrain effects as part of Explosive Ordnance quantitative risk assessments using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis

Mr Rhys Centin, Thornton Tomasetti

Dr Huon Bornstein, Thornton Tomasetti

10:20am - 10:50am

Progress of the Explosives Act Thematic Review

Kate Biddington, Explosive Ordnance Branch, Defence

Benalla medium calibre manufacturing and 30 x 173mm manufacturing, 'The installation and operation of a Modern multi-calibre LAP line'

Dr Emma Coen, NIOA

Numerical modelling of energetics for Air Domain (Guided Weapons and Explosive Ordnance)

Mr Damion Hadcroft, QinetiQ Australia

10:50am - 11:20am

Morning Tea and Exhibition

11:20am - 11:50am

Session 4A – Security / Explosive Risk Assessment

Room: Royal Theatre


Drone Threat to Munition Storage

Mr Jakob Breiner, Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center (MSIAC)

Session 4B – Manufacturing

Room: Bradman Theatre


A successful path to interoperability: Australian Industrialisation of Cartridge 81mm M879A1 Prac

Mr Rob Green, Australian Munitions

Session 4C – Regulation and Risk Management

Room: Menzies Theatre


Benalla medium calibre manufacturing and test and evaluation, an inseparable interrelationship

Mr David Nink, NIOA

Mr Matthew Hampton, NIOA

11:50am - 12:20pm

Explosive Ordnance safety risk communication for decision making in unpredictable operational scenarios

Flight Lieutenant
Charlotte Watts, Royal Australian Air Force

WORKSHOP - Legal Review of New Weapons

Colonel Damian Copeland, Australian Army - Defence

12:20pm - 12:50pm

Software aspects of weapon systems interoperability and Interchangeability

Mr Warren Miller, QinetiQ


12:50pm - 1:50pm

Lunch and Exhibition

1:50pm - 2:30pm

Keynote Address 6

Room: Royal Theatre

2:30pm - 2:40pm

Movement Break into Sessions

2:40pm - 3:10pm

Session 5A – Safety and Suitability for Service

Room: Royal Theatre


The need to ensure that safety and suitability for service (S3) standards continue to be met at a time of significant change

Dr Michael Sharp, Defence Science and Technology (DST) Group

Session 5B – Professional Development

Room: Bradman Theatre


The Explosive Ordnance MSc and Graduate Certificate Programs at UNSW Canberra

Dr Nicholas Kanizaj, University of Sydney

Session 5C – Test and Evaluation

Room: Menzies Theatre


Vibration testing of energetics

Mr Lachlan Burgess-Orton, Defence Science and Technology (DST) Group

3:10pm - 3:40pm

Electromagnetic heating of energetic compositions in electro-explosive devices and Explosive Ordnance

Mr Raoul Mazumdar, Nova Systems

Mr Thinus Neethling, K39 Consulting

A successful path to product interoperability, Establishing a US-qualified digital x-ray capability for guided weapons and explosive ordnance types

Mr Roger Broughton, Thales Australia

3:40pm - 4:00pm

Afternoon Tea and Exhibition

4:00pm - 4:30pm

Session 6A – Risk Management / Interoperability

Room: Royal Theatre


Cross qualification, the pathway to higher levels of interoperability

Mr Rudi Bekker, NIOA

Mr Peter Schaumburg, NIOA

Session 6B – Manufacturing

Room: Bradman Theatre


The journey towards achieving US qualification of an Australian production line for M795 155mm high explosive projectiles

Ms Candice Birch, Australian Munitions

Mr Rob Green, Australian Munitions

Session 6C – Regulation and Risk Management

Room: Menzies Theatre


Revisiting Net Explosive Quantity (NEQ) in the Australian Context

Mr James Robertson, Directorate of Ordnance Safety, Defence

7:00pm - 10:30pm

Symposium Dinner

Royal Theatre, National Convention Centre Canberra

The above symposium program is currently a draft and the organisers reserve the right to change the information where necessary without notice.


Silver Partners


K39 Consulting Pty Ltd

Northrop Grumman

Bronze Sponsors

ACOR Consultants

Dinner Sponsor

Lockheed Martin

Name Card / Lanyard Partner


Media Partners



Defence Connect

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