Abstract Submission
In alignment with the designated theme for the 2024 symposium - Interoperability and Interchangeability ', we extend an invitation for the submission of abstracts that align with this overarching motif.
Should you operate within the Domestic and/or International EO community, we invite you to consider participating by presenting a paper at PARARI 2024. A list of suggested topics is provided below, noting the theme is safety in interoperability and interchangeability.
Advantages of delivering a presentation at the symposium:
- Showcase the commendable achievements of both you and your organisation.
- Refine your concepts and ideas by presenting and engaging with an audience of your professional peers.
- Foster meaningful connections and network with esteemed thought leaders and luminaries in your field.
- Play a vital role in community development by sharing your wealth of knowledge and experience.
The following timetable will apply:
- Abstract Submission due – Monday 5 August 2024
- Notification of Acceptance – Monday 2 September 2024
- Final Papers and Presentations due – Monday 30 September 2024
Presentation Types
Technical Paper
A Technical Paper (delivered in the parallel symposium sessions) covers a technical topic and/or issues associated with Explosive Ordnance Safety and / or Interoperability and Interchangeability.
Product Brief
A Product Brief (delivered in the parallel symposium sessions) provides a brief on a commercial product or capability associated with Explosive Ordnance Safety and / or Interoperability and Interchangeability. Product briefs are considered a form of sponsorship, the cost of which is outlined in the Symposium Sponsorship and Exhibition Proposal.
A Workshop (delivered in the parallel symposium sessions) provides a non-commercial in-depth exploration of a concept related to Explosive Ordnance safety and / or Interoperability and Interchangeability. It must include some form of audience participation/engagement.
Workshops should be as interactive as possible to ensure that participants are actively engaged in exploring the issues surrounding the topic.
Suggested Topics
- Safety considerations to achieve interoperability and interchangeability of munitions
- Novel energetic compositions or novel explosives manufacturing technologies and their application in safe munitions
- Energetics research supporting explosives safety outcomes
- Recent advances in explosives safety technologies
- EO safety risk management and its relationship to operational decision making
- Understanding cumulative environmental exposure and effect through munitions Health Monitoring and surveillance
- Explosive Ordnance transportation and storage – domestically and on operations
- The role of Explosives Training, Education and research in achieving safety outcomes
- Explosives site safeguarding and encroachment
- Considering explosives safety during early capability decisions
- Application of traditional qualification to additively manufactured energetics
- Safely accelerating the rate of transition from emerging technology to final product ready suitable for manufacture
- Managing emerging technology disruption in an Explosives Research and Development environment
Submitting an an Abstract
Please have the following ready before submitting your abstract:
- Name
- Organisation
- Contact details
- Presentation type – Technical Brief, Product Brief or Workshop
- Delivery model preference (live or pre-recorded)
- Abstract – no more than 500 words
- Biography and photo of presenter
Technical papers and product briefs are 30 minutes in duration, including introductions and questions. Double sessions can be requested. A workshop is also normally 60 minutes long, but could be extended to two hours if there is room in the program.
Please note: Presenters may receive a complimentary day registration for the day of their presentation. Attendance at the remaining days of the symposium will require paid registration for those days.
Presentation Method
Live Presentations
Operation of your presentation will be via a laptop computer and mouse at the speaker lectern. Data projectors with 1280 x 720 pixel resolution (16:9 aspect ratio) will project your images onto the screen. Audio-visual technicians will be available before and during all sessions should you have additional queries or require assistance during your presentation.
The room will be set with a lectern and microphone, a laptop PC (Windows 10, Office 2016), set to one side of the lectern and operated by a mouse. The laptop sound will be connected to the public address system.
We are unable to support Apple Mac computers, except by prior arrangement. Please note that other presentation materials/formats will NOT be available without prior arrangement.
Please bring with you a copy of your presentation materials (PC format only) on memory stick or CD to be provided to the audio-visual Engineer when you register. It is advisable for all presenters using PowerPoint to bring a backup of all files.
The presentation schedule will be promulgated late August 2024.